Fish Dream
Dream Notes of July 2nd, 2016 9: 35 am. in Seoul
I still smell fish even though I am awake. Dead fish are covering full wall of the room. I knew that fish would be alive and start moving if I will pour water to them, so I started pouring water with bucket and shower them with hoses even until my body was flooded. When the water filled the bottom of room, then the fish became alive. I kept pouring and showering them, and I started swimming too as the water was filled. I entered the other room, and there were paintings in the room. I was in on of paintings naked and only my body in the painting was three dimensional unlike other paintings. A guy was watching the exhibit in the room. I was ashamed that I was naked, but my body was skinny in the dream so I was not too ashamed. I try to hold breath to look skinner when he was watching. My body was alive in painting so when I breathe in then my belly goes in and if I breathe out, then my belly goes out. I was proud that I had abs when I breathe in. He was touching my abs and said “wow.” Lol. I left the room and kept swimming. Fish also kept becoming alive. My friend Stephanie was swimming as well. We passes ladder as we work together and we had a good teamwork. Stephanie swept away for a moment, and I was also often in little danger, but I was good at swimming. I keep smell fish.

First imaging of "Fish Dream", silk screen print, watercolor on paper

Repeat Development
<Dried fish photos are printed and cutted to create repeat construction.
>Silk Screen printed yardadge, heat press ink on the printed yardage

Dress Detail
A development plan of cube is draped on mannequin to represent the room
Left to right
Embroidered on collar with dream narrative in Korean
Hand embroidery on the edge of dress
Heat press ink detail