The Bridge Dream
Dream Notes of March 10th, 2016 10: 15 am. in Chicago
I was thinking about the problems that I have in real life while I was walking on the bridge which I could see river on the left and ridges between rice paddles on the right. I was calling with my advisor and my father, and I was shocked that my father thinks that I am always like that. Then I drop a shoe on to river. The river was torrential and my shoe was moving too fast to catch. Before the shoe meets the sea, Caucasian guy caught it and throw it to the guy next to him who is younger fat Caucasian. He throws it to me but it did not reach me and fell again. He caught it again and throws but fell again, and he caught it again. So, I thought I had to go down and catch it. I was looking at the ladder to get down to river, and I was hesitating whether go down. However, the river looks very clean and fresh. I thought that, ‘Even I get wet, I should go down.’ I slowly got down, and then the guy throws it again, then I got it finally. Then I looked at the people who were swimming in the river. They were having fun and the water was so clean and pretty blue. I wanted to swim like them so I started swimming.

The paintings are the first attempt for Grace to start imaging "The Bridge Dream." One print is burned on screen that is repeated in each painting with different color variation. As she keeps reproducing the dream, she found out her images of actual memories are losing and the painting images started to replace her memory about the dream.
Silk Screen Printed on Paper, painted with watercolor, acrylic paint

Repeat Development
<Paintings are scanned, cut, placed in order to reconstruct the dream. Repeat patterned made by hand and rescanned, and finished in photoshop.
>Coat sample draped on mannequin
Silk Screen printed yardage in with CMYK layers, 100% ivory wool

Coat Deatils
Draped and constructed wool coat
Coat detail made with the printed yardage

The Bridge Dream Textiles

Jacquard Exploration
Jacquard samples with the bridge painting

<Foil on jacquard sample
>CMYK silk screen printed on wool

Jacquard design variations exploring "The Bridge Dream" paintings Images are manipulated through photoshop in order to create Jacquard file construction.
Jacquard Designs sent to Wovns for the production.